Download Actual Guns CSO:
Ensure you have the "Handler" pack downloaded before you add onto your Minecraft worlds.
This add-on will not work properly otherwise.
If you are importing the packs manually, "Handler" goes in the behaviour packs section.
(1/3) Behaviour Pack Download
Actual Guns BP
Behavior pack is what makes the weapons function and exist in-game, it must be downloaded alongside the others.
(2/3) Resource Pack Download
Acctual Guns RP
Resource pack is what makes the weapons have a texture and sounds being present, it must be downloaded alongside the others.
(3/3) Handler Pack Download
Actual Guns Handler
For features that cannot be added in either behavior or resource pack due to development problems, it must be downloaded alongside the others.
Downloads are provided by the content author,
We are not responsible for any downloaded content, nor any external website links provided by the content author.